Small Homes Make Wallets Fatter [Full Quote]

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small homes make wallets fatter quote


Small homes make wallets fatter,
material possessions fewer, 
relationships stronger,
conversations easier,
laughter louder,
cleaning times shorter
and fun times longer

– Emma Healey,

I wrote this in 2017 after having a particularly lovely weekend with my family.

I’ve long been an advocate for small homes and how living a simpler life can lead to more joy, but simplifying my feelings into a share-worthy meme thus far eluded me.

This quote certainly struck a chord and was shared far and wide from my Facebook page – here is the original Facebook post if you’d like to share it

I am more than happy for you to use my quote, but please credit me by name or by linking to this website.


About Emma

Hey there! I'm Emma. When I'm not wrangling kids I like to walk aimlessly around hardware stores and watch HGTV for hours on end.

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